Institut de Recerca contra la Leucèmia Josep Carreras
The Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute is a member of the CERCA group of centres founded by the Catalan Government to promote a biomedical cluster in the north of Spain. The IRJC will work to improve the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of leukaemia and other haematological diseases. It will do this by assembling a group of international researchers; they will work on both basic and clinical aspects of the diseases and in close collaboration with reference hospitals and the doctors treating patients. The eventual goal is to make all leukaemias curable.
St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute
The St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute (CCRI) is an internationally renowned multidisciplinary research institution with the aim to develop and optimize diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic strategies for the treatment of children and adolescents with cancer by combining basic with translational and clinical research. The CCRI is closely affiliated to the St. Anna Children’s Hospital, the largest clinical hemato-oncological center for the treatment of childhood cancer in Austria, and to its spin-off SME Labdia Labordiagnostik GmbH.
The focus of research is on the specific characteristics of childhood tumor diseases in order to provide young patients with the best possible and most innovative therapies. Dedicated research groups in the fields of tumor genomics and epigenomics, immunology, molecular biology, cell biology, bioinformatics and clinical research are working together to harmonize scientific experimental findings with the clinical needs of physicians.
Charles University
Second Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University is one of the leading institutions in the Czech Republic in the field of medical education and research. It is the most popular medical school in the country, admitting only about 11% of applicants for the medical studies. One third of the total number of students is enrolled in the graduate study programme. The school is perennially among top three biomedical research institutions in the Czech Republic according to the national scoring system. It focuses mainly on clinical and translational research, with the paediatric haematology and oncology being the most prolific subject.
The CLIP Laboratories of the Department of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology represent internationally recognised diagnostic and research group in the field of childhood haematological malignancies with complete infrastructure, focusing on residual disease detection. CLIP provides the entire country with the laboratory diagnosis of childhood leukemia, residual disease follow-up and perform ambitious translational research.
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Fundación Pérez Scremini
Fundación Pérez Scremini (FPS) is a non-profit organization compromised with the cure of Paediatric Cancer in Uruguay.
FPS supports every aspect of cancer care, from treating our children and adolescents to embracing a creative approach to find solutions appropriate and consistent with the problems of every kid and his/her family. FPS´s support gives every patient an equal opportunity to fight and survive the disease. FPS represents the legal Institution, recognized by the Ministry of Public Health, to manage our National Reference Center for Cancer in Children. FPS´s organization is composed by an administrative staff, Physicians, Nurses, Social Workers, Psychologist and an important number of volunteers spread all over the country.
FPS is supporting also clinical research on the field and is running the National Cancer Register for patients under 18 years old.
Asserta Global Healthcare Solutions
Asserta focusses its activity on a Clinical and Business Intelligence (C&BI) consultancy covering the aggregation, analysis, and use of clinical, operational and financial data, helping the decision-making of healthcare organizations to continuously improve patient care delivery, health outcomes, efficient and safe use of resources and business operations.
Asserta has developed its own C&BI solutions to provide retrospective and predictive analysis. Our multidisciplinary team also gives advice on specific measures to be implemented to improve clinical, operational or financial challenges.
As a part of its activity, Asserta participates in international projects related to the management of innovation, real world research and the measurement of social impact.
Fundación Natalí Dafne Flexer
Natalí Dafne Flexer Foundation (FNDF) is a Non Profit Organization whose mission is to help children and adolescentes suffering from cancer and their families, to get the best available treatment on time, with the best possible quality of life, and to obtain necessary information and provide the best possible access to support and health care services.
Through our nine chapters, we currently cooperate with all hospitals that assist paediatric oncology patients in Argentina. We have also developed strong links with institutions and other help groups, not only in Argentina, but in Latin America.
The FNDF’s interventions are strongly focused on the patients’ needs. Beside the direct services supporting practical and emotional needs, our interventions include Advocacy, Health System’s Influence, the improvement of the Pediatric Oncology in the whole country and Clinical and Psycosocial Research.
Istituto Superiore di Sanità
The Italian National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità, ISS) is the main Italian research institute in the biomedical and public health field. It is the technical and scientific body of the Italian National Health Service.
Mission: promotion and protection of national and international public health through research, surveillance, regulation, control, prevention, communication, counselling and training.
The ISS produces knowledge through research and trials and disseminates
scientific knowledge and evidence to decision-makers, professional workers and citizens in order to protect and promote public health. The Institute collaborates on research activities and clinical trials with national institutions performing public health functions such as the Ministry of Health and the Ministry for the Environment, regions, local health units, hospitals and scientific institutes for research, hospitalisation and healthcare. It is also involved in a wide range of international activities including scientific and technical support to the European Commission and its Member States, to WHO, EFSA, ECDC, IARC, OECD, OIE, UNEP, and other organizations, and to developing countries, to countries with economies in transition, and to those suffering natural emergencies or war situations. The Institute plans, develops and organises training courses on health education in the field of public health for the personnel of the National Health Service. It also organises congresses, conferences, workshops and seminars both at national and international level on important public health issues.
The ISS, through the National Center for Rare Diseases, acts as a coordinator of rare disease research, surveillance and public health actions at the national and international levels.