Information and resourcesMeet the project coordinator
Meet the 3 aid organizations that participate in CLOSER. They will be your main allies by providing you information, support, services, contacts and much more!
Discover them!Get to know the CLOSER project on childhood leukemia in a different way: 23 letters of the alphabet, 23 concepts to explain why it is so important that we all support medical research.
Check out!Rumors, beliefs, stories about leukaemia that spread without anyone knowing where they came from. Cancer is not a game and it is essential that everyone is provided with real and truthful information about it. We are going to tell you some myths to banish forever.
Find out!They are our greatest treasure: the children and young people who have overcome leukemia and the people who have accompanied them on this journey. Here you will find testimonies from patients and professionals. They are the most inspiring stories that motivate us to keep on going.
Read them!A handy book with the most common leukemia terms to help patients and families understand the medical language!
Explore it!Whoever you are and whatever purpose you have for being here now, you're valuable! You can help us! Discover in this section different ways to get involved in research or the fight against childhood leukemia.
We need you!You ask, we answer! In this section you can find a collection of all the frequent questions about the leukemia, the diagnostic and its treatment. Couldn't you find what you were looking for? Contact us!
Enter now!We built a database of useful resources for childhood leukemia patients and their families. In this repository you will have access to many resources.
Navigate!My name is Mireia Camós. I hold a degree in Medicine and Surgery, I am a specialist in Hematology and Hemotherapy, and I hold a PhD in Medicine. I currently work as a senior hematologist at the Hematology Laboratory of Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona. Since 2019, I coordinate the CLOSER research project on childhood leukemia.
I have always tried to give my best at work, in the clinics in the past and now in the lab. If I see something that can be improved, I try to improve it. Once my boss told me, “You’re a person who makes things better wherever you go.” I think that is the nicest thing someone has ever said to me professionally, and it made me feel very proud.
Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be a doctor. I loved seeing patients in the past, and I love doing diagnosis and research now because I feel I can somehow contribute to improving patients’ lives. My job is tremendously enriching, mainly through human contact. Every day you can learn from your peers, patients and families…