04 Mar CLOSER Final Event
18 – 19 of March
ABBA Hotel – Barcelona, Spain
The Horizon 2020 project “Childhood Leukemia: Overcoming distance between South America and Europe Regions” (CLOSER) started in 2019 with a clear vision: decrease the gap between Europe and Latin America in terms of the diagnosis, monitoring, survival, and quality of life of patients with childhood leukemia and their caregivers. During the last five years, the CLOSER consortium worked hard to complete the planned tasks and achieve their goals.
During this final conference, we will present the project’s main achievements, but we will look further to discuss the present needs and potential ways to address them in the future.
Our expert speakers will address the following questions and topics:
- How is CLOSER making a difference in Europe and Latin America?
- Collaboration as the motor to drive changes in childhood leukemia
- Beyond CLOSER, what’s next?
- We all have a role in making a difference in childhood leukemia: involving policymakers, health authorities, patients, families, and civil society
This event will be exclusive for members of CLOSER comsortium